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Part 1
It is just after 6 pm when Johnny entered his apartment he slammed the door and throws his gym bag in a corner hoping to get his anger out. He next unplugged his phone and went to take a shower. He could not believe the day he had. All day long the Phantom played his pranks and he got so tired of it all. Neither the Captain nor
Part 2
Part 3
Ruth opens the side door and walks inside. Johnny follows. They walk into a hallway with a door to the right. Johnny opens it to reveal a small bathroom with a tub and a toilet. The hall leads to a kitchen with a sink, stove and oven, refrigerator and a big area where a table could go.
He goes outside. Look at the barn and the trees, the house and the yard. He goes back in and tells Ruth he would love to buy it but not sure if he can afford it. Part 4
Dixie states that he is in treatment room 2 with a patient. She offers to buy Johnny a cup of coffee. Johnny thinks for a moment then says ok.
Johnny explains about all the pranks and what happened to lead up to his resignation.
Part 5
Kel tells him that his great great grandparent owned the place. And that he inherited the place. He can't keep a ranch going with being a doctor. Johnny thought this was weird but tells Kel "if I get this place you can visit any time you want."
Johnny jokes "I took your classes didn't I. I can work here then go home at night Right?”
On the way home Johnny decides to stop at a grocery store to find empty carton to start packing. Johnny finds some and goes home to do just that.
Part 6
Part 7
Johnny and Kel enter the Realtors office and ask for Ruth. The receptionist directs them to her office. Kel explains how they know each other and wants to find some way that Johnny can buy the ranch without any worry.
Ruth explains a set up that could work but she will need the papers she gave Johnny to fill out. Johnny hands the papers to her and she excuses herself out of the room. Kelly tells Johnny not to worry that if this didn’t work out then he would pull out of this firm and they would settle it among themselves.
Ruth returns and tells them both that it would take a few days for everything to be in order. Kelly and Johnny agree to come back when all papers were in order.
Ruth shows them to the door. Kel goes back to work and Johnny goes home to pack thinking very positive on the deal.
About 8:00 pm that night Johnny gets a call from Ruth saying that everything is in order and the papers could be signed tomorrow. Ruth asks Johnny to meet at her office at 10:00 am in the morning. Then Kelly calls to congrats Johnny on getting the ranch.
Johnny is so excited that he could not sleep. Instead he keeps packing. Finally at midnight Johnny falls into bed exhausted.
At 7:00 am a knock on his door wakes Johnny. He pulls on a pair of jean and goes to answer the knock. Standing outside his door are Roy, Hank, Mike, and Marco. They ask to come in but Johnny tells them no.
Roy gets upset at that and asks why? Johnny states that his apartment is really a bad mess and doesn’t want them to see it. Hank suggests that they all go out to breakfast. All agree but Johnny. He still is not sure if he wants back into this group. They convince Johnny to go after he showers and dresses he meets the guy at Denny’s.
They talk about how to get back at Chet but No plans are made positive. After they eat Mike asks Johnny when he will be returning. Johnny tells him in 3 weeks. Marco feels so sorry for Johnny and tells so.
Johnny sits there thinking that maybe he should tell these guys about the ranch and then Roy says something that changes his mind. Roy tells Johnny that isn’t he glad he didn’t buy that ranch.
Johnny tells them he has to go to an appointment and begins to leave. Roy stares at Johnny for a moment, then gets up and follows Johnny out the door.
Getting to his truck Johnny hears his name called and finds Roy in front of him. Roy tells Johnny he is very sorry for whatever he said. Johnny tells Roy that he is use to it and not to mention it again.
Roy just stands there staring at Johnny who gets in his truck and drives away.
Johnny arrives at the realtors and meets up with Kelly Brackett in the parking lot. Kelly notices that Johnny is upset. He asks what is wrong and Johnny tells Kelly that Roy, Hank, Mike and Marco showed up this morning to talk and Roy asked him if he wasn’t glad to not have the ranch. Kel asks him why not tells Roy about buying the ranch and Johnny scuffles at that. Johnny states that at this time no one is his friend.
Kel looks at Johnny and tells him that that is not true I, Dixie and Joe are your friend along with Roy, Hank, Mike, and Marco.
Johnny looks skeptical at Kelly. Kelly doesn’t say anymore.
They go in meet Ruth and sign the papers. Both Kelly and Ruth congratulate Johnny. Johnny thanks them and invites both Ruth and Kelly to a cookout when he gets settled. Both agree.
Kelly asks “if he could take both Johnny and Ruth out to celebrate now.”
Ruth declines but Johnny is undecided. Kelly finally convinces him to go but they had to pick up Dixie too. Kelly agreed and both leave after calling Dixie.
Kelly follows Johnny to his place then Johnny gets into Kelly’s car. They pick up Dixie at her place then go to Alexander’s Restaurant. As they pull in Johnny is a little worried that he is not dressed for the fancy place but Kel and Dixie assure him he looks fine.
They go in and have a good time.
Part 8
By the time the 3 weeks are up Johnny has made the ranch look really great. The roof was repaired. The porch and railing are painted. The screen door and shutters were replaced. Two of the windows on the second floor were replaced.
He still needed to do the flower beds next to the porch but the tree in the front yard was trim. A side door on the house needed painting. Also the barn need repainting but the fence was mended.
Inside Johnny has put his furniture in the kitchen the stove, oven, and refrigerator were all about 5 years old so he didn’t need to replace them. He repaired the fireplace and painted the walls. He put up shelves on one wall and on another wall added a Indian Rug. He took out all rugs and refinished the floors. The bathroom down stair was fixed up so he could shower and shave.
The upstairs all need repainting and he also decided to tear down one of the walls and make the master bedroom bigger. He would get to that part later.
Johnny still wanted to work on the house but knew it took money to buy and repair the things he needed. The night before work he called Cap to see if he was still schedule. He and Cap talked for an hour. Cap wanted to come over to talk but Johnny wouldn’t let him. None of the guys knew about Johnny buying the ranch. He told Cap that he would see him tomorrow. Cap asks him if he was going to call Roy. Johnny said no so Cap wished him a good night.
As Johnny is climbing into bed he is hoping everything goes well for his first day back.
Part 9
Roy has been going nuts trying to find Johnny. After Johnny drove off that day when they took him out to breakfast did Roy think something was really wrong with Johnny? He has tried to call but got no answer. The next time he tried to call he got a recorded message that the phone number was no longer in service. Roy stopped by Johnny’s place but there was no answer to his knock and when he let himself in he found the place empty. Roy could not believe it. It looked like Johnny packed up all his belongings and took off. He didn’t know what to do. He called Cap and told him what he found. Cap advise him to give Johnny some space and wait when the 3 weeks were up to do anything more. Roy couldn’t do that so he called Dr. Brackett. He gets the same answer from him also. Roy just hoped that Johnny would come back. He missed his ‘Brother’ very much.
When Johnny pulled into the station, Roy was waiting for him. Roy walked up to Johnny as he got out of the truck and gave him a hug. Roy welcomes him back than asked where he has been. Johnny didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if Roy would support or abandon him. Roy followed Johnny into the station.
He was greeted by his shift mates, Kelly Brackett, Dixie McCall and C-shift. There was a banner with “WELCOME BACK JOHNNY” hanging across the room. Everyone greeted Johnny except Chet who stood in the back of the room with a very angry look on his face. Chet wanted to pick up where he had left off, but couldn’t due it because of Cap and the other guys swearing revenge on Chet if any pranks are played on Johnny’s first day back.
Roy saw the angry look on Chet’s face and went over to him. Roy reminded Chet that Johnny would not have left if not for him.
Chet told Roy that he had gone to Johnny’s apartment the day after to apologize but Johnny turned him away and then threaten him with bodily harm.
Roy told Chet that Johnny was still angry that morning. He had visited Johnny himself. Roy then went on to explain about Johnny wanting to work at Rampart with Brackett.
Chet now understood how much he had hurt Johnny. He walks over to Johnny. He extended his hand and told Johnny how very sorry he was to pull so many pranks on him in one day and that he would keep it to two a shift or maybe even none.
Johnny told Chet that he appreciated the jester and if he could to be patient with him.
C-shift left giving Johnny slaps on the back.
Kelly, Joe and Dixie told Johnny they had to go also. Johnny asked them to wait he had an announcement to make. He looked at Kelly and gave him a nod.
Johnny called everyone to attention and told them that he had bought the ranch from the newspaper article he showed the guys. He told them that in two week they would have four days off. He would like all the guys and their families to come out and they would have a barbeque.
Roy, Hank, Marco Chet and Mike jaws dropped. They could not believe that he went ahead and bought the place. Roy asked him why he went ahead with buying a run down old place. Johnny turns to him and told him that with all the time he helped Roy around his place that this would be his very own to fix up. The place looks great. After he fixed up some thing within the three weeks he was off.
Roy just could not believe Johnny did that without telling him. He thought they were best fiends.
All the guys congratulated Johnny and told him it sounded like a good idea. Kel, Dix, and Joe congratulated him, welcome him back and left.
Johnny and Roy head to the locker room to change.
Part 10
While changing Johnny invited Roy, Joanne and the kids see the place before the barbecue. Roy told him he would have to ask Joanne but it sounded really good.
Roy tells Johnny how he had tried to call but got his answering machine. Later he got a message stating that the phone number was no longer in use. He even stopped by John’s apartment. He tells him how he found Johnny’s apartment empty and no word as to where he went. Roy asks Johnny why he didn’t call him in the 3 weeks he was off.
Johnny can see that this has really upset Roy. He told Roy how hurt he was that Roy talked him out of looking into buying the ranch to begin with and that he probably would have talked him out of it again. So instead of asking him for his advice or support he just went ahead and did what he wanted without consulting anyone. Johnny also told Roy how Kelly Brackett inherited the ranch and helped Johnny get it.
Roy just shakes his head. He thought his partner was smart but now knew just how smart. He congratulates Johnny on buying the ranch and tells him he can’t wait to see it.
Johnny starts to tell Roy about the thing he did within the 3 weeks but Cap interrupt calling them for roll call.
Cap again welcomes Johnny back and hands out assignments. Chet - Latrine, Mike - Kitchen, Marco – Bay, Marco and Chet – Hoses, Roy – Dorm, Johnny – Locker room. Cap also reads a notice from headquarters, and then dismisses everyone.
Johnny and Roy head for the Squad for the morning check. Johnny pulls the biphone and checks in with Rampart. After checking their supplies, Roy tells Johnny they can wait to go to Rampart.
Johnny is ok with this and heads into the kitchen for coffee. Roy follows him.
Mike, Marco, and Chet are sitting around enjoying a cup of java before going to their assignments.
Cap walks in and asks Johnny about his new place. Johnny explains about calling the realtor, and seeing the ranch for the first time. Right in the middle of telling them Brackett’s involvement the tones go off for a house fire and all are running for the engine and squad.
Part 11
It was 5 hours later when both engine and squad return to the station, all are tired and hungry. No one was injured at the fire. The house and garage were a lost.
Cap gets out and heads for the dorm to shower. He will go first, then Mike, Roy, Johnny, Marco and Chet. While the rest are getting showers Mike and Cap get the making out for sandwiches. No one say anything but all hope the tones don’t go off again.
Roy asked Johnny “If the ranch he bought needed a lot of fixing up.”
Johnny says “yes but I got more than half done on the house. I repaired the roof and painted the porch and railing. I replaced the screen doors and shutters, also two of the windows on the second floor were replaced. I repaired the fireplace and painted the walls. I put up shelves on one wall and on another wall added an Indian rug. I took out all rugs and refinished the floors. The bathroom down stair was fixed up so I could shower and shave. I mended the fence but the barn needs repainting. I still need to do the flower beds next to the porch but the tree in the front yard was trim. A side door on the house needs painting. I put my furniture in the kitchen and am sleeping there so I can fix up the upstairs. The stove, oven, and refrigerator were all about 5 years old so I don’t need to replace them. Upstairs all need repainting. I also decided to tear down one of the walls and make the master bedroom bigger.
All the guys are amazed at the amount of work Johnny did on his ranch.
“Wow, you really did a lot to the place. If you want my help just ask.”
Johnny is surprised by this offer but says “I could use the help if anybody is willing.”
Chet tells Johnny he would help him out. Cap, Mike and Marco also states they would be willing to help.
“Well pick a weekend that we have off and you can come help me knock the wall down and paint the upstairs. And Chet, the phantom is not allowed at my ranch.”
“Awe.” Starts Chet but gives in saying “the phantom will remain at the station period.”
“Alright let us get to our assignments before the tones go off.” Cap suggests Just as they walk out the door it happens calling the squad out to a heart attack.
The rest of the day and night was routine. The squad is called out 6 more times and the engine was called out 4 times.
Part 12
The next morning Roy talks to Joanne and she agrees to visit Johnny’s ranch later that morning. When Roy tells Johnny he gets a little upset but agrees.
Roy could see he is upset but stays quiet.
After changing Johnny leaves without saying goodbye to anyone.
On the way home Johnny stops at the hardware and the grocery store. He knew that with Roy’s family coming over he would need something to drink and eat. He had been living on junk food for a while to save money.
When he pulled into his driveway Roy, Joanne, Chris and Jenny were waiting for him. As he gets out both Chris and Jenny run up and hug him. He hugs them back and then greets both Roy and Joanne.
Roy grabs some grocery bags, He hands one to Jenny and two to Chris then grabs two more bags. They follow Johnny into the house. Joanne, Chris and Jenny help him put the food away.
The kitchen seemed crowded with Joanne, Chris, Jenny and Johnny plus Johnny’s furniture from his apartment in it so Roy went looking around the house seeing for the first time the extraordinary skills that Johnny has. The wood floors were shinny but not slippery. The living room was painted like a sponge was used and different designs added. On the shelves were books and knick knacks that Roy had seen and some had not seen in Johnny’s apartment. He saw an eagle with a feather in his mouth and a wolf howling at the moon. He would ask Johnny about those when he had a chance.
The fireplace looked so inviting that he wish a fire was made and he could sit down in front of it. A wood box stood next to the fireplace but was not filled at this time.
Going back into the kitchen he heard Joanne telling Johnny “how lost they all were when you didn’t call or stop by.”
Roy steps over to Johnny and pulls him into a hug saying “how much he missed him and that he felt like had lost a brother.”
Johnny is at first surprised by this but recovers enough to return the hug. He tells Roy how much he missed him and wished that he would have trusted Roy a little more than he did. Then he reminds Roy of the things he said to him when he mentioned buying the ranch at the station. Also how Roy agreed with everyone else that it was a stupid idea.
Roy apologizes for what he said and how he reacted. He told Johnny he thought he would loss the friendship they had when Johnny bought the ranch.
Johnny starts to say that no, they wouldn’t have but Roy interrupts him saying how really upset he was when Johnny excluded him in the last 4 weeks.
Johnny then apologizes to Roy for excluding him and for the abandonment feeling he had against Johnny. Also he apologizes to Joanne, Chris and Jenny for abandoning them too. All three hug Johnny and Jenny and Joanne kiss Johnny’s cheek.
Johnny suggests that they put this behind them and start out fresh. Everyone agrees. He shows them around the house answering questions from all four.
When Chris asks to see the barn, Johnny says no because it is not safe.
Chris gets upset but Roy puts a stop to his outbursts.
They go into the living room. The kids and Joanne look around at Johnny’s things. Roy asks about the eagle and wolf. Johnny explains the significant of each one to Indian standards. All Desoto’s are amazed.
Joanne asks if anyone is hungry and all agree. Roy and Johnny go into the kitchen to start fixing lunch. They work side by side laughing and enjoying each others company. Joanne, Chris, and Jenny hear the laughing and smile that all was well between them.
The End
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The Characters of Emergency do not belong to me. They are the property of Universal Studios and Mark VII Limited. No copyright infringement is intended or monetary gain made. While the characters belong to Universal Studios and Mark VII limited...This story is the property of the author and ANY alteration is a Copyright Infringement.
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